Your existence is not a coincidence on this planet earth, because you were sent here, to fulfill a purpose or two. More like sent on an assignment or a mission by your creator. No one is born to be idle, aimless, goalless or without a purpose in life. Find your path, instead of walking or encroaching on someone’s space and/or path. There are repercussions associated with encroaching on someone else’s space and/or path in life.
Every manufacturer has a specific purpose for the product and/or equipment they manufacture, and that machine or product is useful only when the purpose of being manufactured is accomplished.
This is so, with us humans. We all have our purpose for being created and born into this world. You must learn to function in your space efficiently, by finding what your purpose or assignment is, as a living human being.
In this part of the world, we live in, the chance of understanding this mystery is very slim (due to our restrictions and exposure to certain knowledge on spiritual truth), this is why a lot of people die without even discovering who they really are or their main purpose for being sent here (planet earth).
Do you seldom feel or see your existence as a coincidence? either due to your challenges or the family and environment you find yourself?
Well, let me clear that thought for you, NONE of these are coincidence. Our lives and where we will begin as infants and grow into adults, where we will work, walk, get married, etc. are all preplanned and predestined by the creator HIMSELF.
A lot of us make the mistake of living out someone else’s life, like imitating their lifestyle, career, hobbies, dress-sense, etc. some even wish they have same life’s purpose as yours. This is completely wrong and out of place. If you already know that your existence is not a coincidence in this world, don’t you also know that your life’s pursuit is already all planned out and fixed? The time you spend trying to fit into someone’s space can be wasted and cause you to lose so much before you realize your mistakes.