Life as they always say, is too short for us to live it carelessly, but in my own opinion, it is important you live care-free (do what you want to do, say what you wish to say without hurting anyone deliberately and live on your own terms), so that you don’t end up blaming anyone for your actions and inaction on the long run.
Someone may wonder why am suddenly preaching this message on this beautiful Sunday morning. Hmmmm! I experienced something that shook me and made me realize, that sometimes, just sometimes, it is okay to break some rules just to make yourself happy and feel satisfied.
When I say break some rules, I am not talking about crime and/or disobedience, I am talking about going all out to enjoy yourself, pamper yourself, relax, go on a vacation without disturbance, shop for that killer outfit you want to see yourself in (regardless of the cost), go on that date you have been restricting yourself from going to, wear that skimpy dress you so desire to wear but afraid of gossips, prepare and eat that delicacy you so crave but feel it is too expensive cos of your income, break that piggy bank and spend the cash on what you so desperately need but scared of the cost and future…I can go on and on as to what I meant, when I said you should break the rules.
When you decide to live a stereotyped life, according to you, a well-planned life, you may just end up dead one day, without satisfying your curiosities, achieving your dreams and goals or reaching out to that one person you so desire in your life. Life is too short to live it chasing just money and family stability my dear friend. The moment you draw your last breath, everything you worked so hard to plan, will be transferred, sometimes without your consent to someone else who may not even deserve it, cos you are leaving this world without a pin.
‘For death is the only journey we embark on, without the need for suitcases, clothing and any form of money. You go empty, just as you came.’
The life of an average man, especially in an under-developed country like Nigeria, is so boxed up and jam-packed with so many selfless activities, that it is most times difficult to think of taking a breather from all the hustling and bustling in the name of surviving and living a life of comfort. Do you even know that too much work and no relaxation can shorten your lifespan? No proper medical checkups, no proper eating plan, name it. NO MATTER HOW POOR YOU ARE, THERE IS ALWAYS A BUDGET FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO. Stop restricting yourself and die without exploring my dear friend.
Waooooo, Nice articles. Keep it up my dear. Life is in deed too Short. Build a human network and be happy all the rest of your life. Weldon my dear and keep it up.
Thanks for the inspiration and motivational speech.
Sky will be your starting point.
Your blessed .
Amen, thank you very much Chidex.
Very well said.
thank you Steve
Well-spoken ma
This money needs to be made so that I can also break the rules, to take care of myself.
So much value. Keep shinning my dear.
Thank you very much sir. I’m humbled.