Spiritual Covenants: Let me first give us the meaning of a covenant, as this would help us understand the meaning of spiritual covenant properly.
A covenant is an agreement between two parties. In law, it must be written down, but in the realms of the spirit, it can be written or verbally said. Humans are very quick to compromise or forget about their oaths, but the spirits are extremely meticulous and very strict with their covenants.
There are so many spiritual covenants we make, knowingly or unknowingly, that have come back to haunt us or bless us. It is very important you are very much conscious of the words you speak as an individual, so you don’t make promises you can never keep or fall into the hands of a dangerous spirit.
Spiritual Covenants are not one to be taken lightly, they form the very Center of our existence as the spiritual controls the physical. Therefore, it is very appropriate for you to dig into your foundation and lineage so as not to fall victim and, make sure you don’t get entangled in spiritual agreements with the wrong spirit or deity.
Oftentimes, it may not be our ancestors that must have made these spiritual covenants, but ourselves. We say things most times out of emotions or excitement. It is very imperative that consciously and knowingly guide our thoughts and words that we speak out either openly or in private.